Premium Kiwifruit

Green Kiwi

Red Passion Kiwi

Sungold Kiwifruits
Green Kiwi
Red Passion Kiwi
Sungold Kiwifruits

- Description
- Storage
About the size of an egg, kiwifruit is wrapped in russet-brown thin skin with short rather stiff hairs. The green firm pulp is dotted with a large amount of dark, nearly black tiny edible seeds that create this fruit's characteristic interior starburst pattern. Sweet-tart with a slightly acidic edge, this decorative fruit's succulent flavor is mainly sweet.
To store, refrigerate ripe fruit for up to 10 days. Refrigerated unripe fruit lasts up to one month.
- Description
- Storage
Red kiwis distinguish themselves from common kiwis in color, texture, and flavor. The red Passion kiwi has smooth, hairless paper-thin skin. The yellow-red flesh is dotted with the usual edible black seeds. Its flavors are sweet and tropical with notes of pineapple and mango. The unique red color is typically surrounding the white core.
Store unripe and ripened kiwifruit at 32–35 degrees Fahrenheit. Once kiwifruit is ripe and yields to the touch, it should be refrigerated until ready for use. Do not store kiwifruit near other ethylene-producing fruits like apples and bananas which can trigger further ripening.
New Zealand
- Description
- Storage
Kiwifruits, Yellow, distinguish themselves from common kiwis in color, texture, and flavor. The golden flesh is dotted with the trademark edible black seeds. Its flavors are sweet and tropical, with notes of pineapple and mango. Kiwifruits, Yellow, 1 kg Pack, has smooth, hairless, thin skin. Its shape is oval, coming to a blunted point at its stem end. The entire fruit is edible, but generally, it gets peeled.
The best temperature to store the ripened and unripe kiwifruits is at 32-35 F. To ripen, put the kiwifruits in a loosely closed paper bag at room temperature for 2-3 days. Then keep the kiwifruits in the refrigerator until you use them.
Fresh Fruits