A large variety of

Premium Lettuce

Frisee Green Lettuce

Frisee Green Lettuce

Mesclun Lettuce

Mesclun Lettuce

Mizuna Green Lettuce

Mizuna Green Lettuce

Misuna Red Lettuce

Misuna Red Lettuce

Rucola Baby Lettuce

Rucola Baby Lettuce

Boston Lettuce

Boston Lettuce

Frisee, Yellow, Curled Endive Lettuce

Frisee, Yellow, Curled Endive Lettuce

Iceberg Lettuce

Iceberg Lettuce

Little Gem, Baby Lettuce

Little Gem, Baby Lettuce

Lollo Biondo Lettuce

Lollo Biondo Lettuce

Lollo Rosso Lettuce

Lollo Rosso Lettuce

Oak Leaf Lettuce

Oak Leaf Lettuce

Radicchio Rosso Chioggia Lettuce

Radicchio Rosso Chioggia Lettuce

Romaine Lettuce

Romaine Lettuce

Radicchio CastleFranco Lettuce

Radicchio CastleFranco Lettuce

Little Gem Lettuce

Little Gem Lettuce

Frisee Green Lettuce

Mesclun Lettuce

Mizuna Green Lettuce

Misuna Red Lettuce

Rucola Baby Lettuce

Boston Lettuce

Frisee, Yellow, Curled Endive Lettuce

Iceberg Lettuce

Little Gem, Baby Lettuce

Lollo Biondo Lettuce

Lollo Rosso Lettuce

Oak Leaf Lettuce

Radicchio Rosso Chioggia Lettuce

Romaine Lettuce

Radicchio CastleFranco Lettuce

Little Gem Lettuce

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  • Description
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Frisee is bright to light green at its leaf tips fading to a pale yellow to white at its core. The lacy green leaves offer a slightly bitter flavor and tender texture. The white to yellow center has a subtle crunch and offers a much milder flavor than the leaf tips. The gradient coloring is a result of a common growing process used in chicory and endive production where greens are shielded from light for a period of time during growth..

Frisee will keep, refrigerated, for one to two weeks.

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The name mesclun comes from the word MESCAL from the Provencal or southern France dialects. The word means to mix or mixture. Mesclun greens traditionally contain the small, young leaves of species such as endive, arugula, chervil, and leafy lettuces like a baby red leaf. Today the notion of salad mixes has expanded to include many other varieties of greens and herbs. A mesclun mix may include such things as spinach, chard, mustard, dandelion greens, mizuna, mache, and radicchio among others. The huge variety of greens makes for a very interesting and wide palate pleaser

To maximize the shelf life of mesclun greens, refrigerate in a plastic bag and do not wash until ready to eat. How long do mesclun greens last in the fridge? Properly stored, mesclun greens will last for about 2 to 3 days in the refrigerator.

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Green mizuna is defined by its unique shape, texture, and flavor. Its fragile and thin rhubarb-colored stems produce crimson-tinged elongated leaves with a saw-tooth shape and a feather-thin texture. The leaves are preferred for their flavor-forward notes of mustard and tanginess of sorrel.

Refrigerate unwashed mizuna in a plastic bag in the vegetable crisper for up to 5 days.

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Red mizuna is defined by its unique shape, texture, and flavor. Its fragile and thin rhubarb-colored stems produce crimson-tinged elongated leaves with a saw-tooth shape and a feather-thin texture. The leaves are preferred for their flavor-forward notes of mustard and tanginess of sorrel.

Refrigerate unwashed mizuna in a plastic bag in the vegetable crisper for up to 5 days.

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Edible Roccola leaves are green soft flowing-shaped leaves with a peppery flavor. They taste like watercress with attitude and make a great salad on its own, or mixed with milder lettuces. If you found it too spicy for your taste, saute them.

Should wrap it unwashed in paper towels. Then, put the wrapped Roccola into a plastic bag. And place it in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator.

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Boston lettuce is medium to large in size and round in shape with loose, wavy, cupped leaves. The broad, soft, green outer leaves are thick and frilled at the edges, encompassing more tightly bound, yellow-tinted leaves in the center of the head. Boston lettuce is tender and crisp with a sweet, nutty, and mildly astringent flavor.

It will keep 3-4 days when stored in a loosely closed container and stored in the refrigerator's crisper drawer.

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Friesee lettuce is a variation of endive, also referred to as curly endive. This endive has an open head with curly, strongly shaped leaves. The heart of the lettuce is yellow with the outer leaves green. The outer leaves of a lettuce head of Friese tend to have a stronger bitterness than regular endive.

Store in the fridge in a sealed plastic bag, unwashed, until you're ready to use it.

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Iceberg lettuce is medium to large in size, averaging 25-30 centimeters in diameter, and is spherical in shape, similar to cabbage. The firm head is tightly packed with broad, thick, and crisp leaves that are concentrated with a high-water content. The leaves vary in color depending on the particular cultivar, but the outer leaves are typically light green while the inner leaves range from pale yellow to a translucent white. Iceberg lettuce is crunchy and juicy with a mild, sweet flavor.

The leaves will keep over a week when stored wrapped in a damp paper towel in a plastic bag in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator.

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  • Description
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Little Gem is a small lettuce often described as a combination of Butter lettuce and Romaine'. It is crisp, like Romaine, and sweet, like Butter lettuce, but the texture and the flavor are still their own. While Romaine has a heavy very crunchy central stalk and thin crisp leaves, classic Little Gem has a thinner stalk and thicker leaves which seem juicier and more substantial than any part of Romaine.

Store in the vegetable or crisper compartment of a refrigerator, either in a loose plastic bag or lettuce keeper.

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  • Description
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The lettuce is curly and crunchy with a very smooth texture. It is ideal in a few recipes and dishes or mixed with other lettuce varieties.

Keep heads in an unsealed bag in your refrigerator, and it should last for 3-4 days. Any washed loose leaves will keep in the fridge for a day or two.

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Lollo Rosso lettuce is small to medium in size, averaging 15-20 centimeters in diameter, and grows in a tightly compact, rosette shape. The frilly and curled, fan-shaped leaves are light green in the center and transition to a deep red maroon around the edges. Connected at a central base, the leaves do not form a head and are made up of single branches. Lollo Rosso lettuce is tender, crisp, and chewy with a sweet, slightly bitter, and nutty flavor.

To store a full head of lettuce, wrap it in a damp paper towel and put the head inside a plastic bag. Store in the refrigerator. If you're storing individual lettuce leaves, spin them dry after washing and place them in a lettuce keeper in the fridge. A container is best to avoid bruising and bacteria buildup.

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Oak Leaf lettuce is small to medium in size and has elongated, lobed, and loosely serrated leaves similar to those of oak leaves. The vibrant, burgundy stained leaves connect to a lighter red, central base and form a semi-tight rosette, growing upward into a loose top. The leaves are also tender, smooth, and broad with many curls and frills. Green Oak Leaf lettuce has a buttery texture and a mellow, nutty, earthy, and sweet flavor.

The leaves will keep up to ten days when wrapped in paper towels and stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator. It is important to store the lettuce away from fruits such as bananas, apples, and pears as they release a natural gas that causes the lettuce to wilt.

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  • Description
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Radicchio resembles a petite head of red cabbage producing variegated dark, burgundy leaves with contrasting white ribs. Growing from orange to grapefruit size and easy to peel, the smooth, crisp leaves offer a bitter flavor with a hint of spice. When cooked the vibrant burgundy color of the leaves fades to a deep brown hue, its bitter flavor is mellowed and rather takes on a subtle sweetness.

To store, keep dry and refrigerate for one to two weeks.

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Romaine lettuce is medium to large with an elongated shape and stiff, upright leaves. The thick heads are loosely connected to a central blanched base and the leaves, averaging 10-15 centimeters in length, are broad with many folds and creases. The outer leaves are dark green with a prominent white central rib, and as the leaves grow smaller in the center, they become paler in color almost fading to white. Romaine lettuce is crisp, succulent, and crunchy with a mild, slightly bitter taste.

The leaves will keep up to one week when wrapped in paper towels to absorb excess moisture and stored in the refrigerator's crisper drawer.

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Discover the unique taste and vibrant colors of Radicchio CastleFranco with our 0.5 kg pack. This Italian variety combines the peppery flavor of radicchio with a hint of sweetness. Its beautiful, variegated leaves add an artistic touch to salads and dishes, making it a favorite among chefs and home cooks alike. Perfect for adding a splash of color and a burst of flavor to your meals.

Store in the fridge in a sealed plastic bag, unwashed, until you're ready to use it.

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  • Description
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Little Gem is a small lettuce often described as a combination of Butter lettuce and Romaine'. It is crisp, like Romaine, and sweet, like Butter lettuce, but the texture and the flavor are still their own. While Romaine has a heavy very crunchy central stalk and thin crisp leaves, classic Little Gem has a thinner stalk and thicker leaves which seem juicier and more substantial than any part of Romaine.

Store in the vegetable or crisper compartment of a refrigerator, either in a loose plastic bag or lettuce keeper.

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